A mi esta chica me encanta, su estilo y su rostro me cautivan, al igual que les debe de gustar a quienes la contratan para sus campañas que ya son muchos, su imagen vende y ahí los resultados. Eso sí, hay dos hobby de ella que no me gustan y son la de diseñadora para la firma Top Shop (para mi un horror) y la de cantante, (buf hay que oirla, no Kate no, eso no es lo tuyo ! ).
La modelo ha posado ante el objetivo de Mario Sorrenti, amigo y parte importante en la carrera de Kate para la firma Liu Jo, el tándem es perfecto y la colección super bonita, esta firma es famosa por lo bien que sientan sus vaqueros.
To me this girl I love, his style and his face intrigued me, as they must like who is hired for their campaigns that are many, his image sells and hence the results. Of course, there are two hobby of it and I do not like are that of designer for Top Shop (to my horror) and singer (buf need to hear it, not Kate, that is not yours!) .
The model has posed before the lens of Mario Sorrenti, a friend and an important part in the race for the signature Kate Liu Jo, the tandem is perfect and super nice collection, this firm is famous for its wonderful jeans.

La colaboración entre top model y firma de bolsos continúa, lleva cinco años, diez temporadas juntos. Kate Moss es la imagen de la colección de bolsos exclusivos de Longchamp para la primavera 2011 . Con un estilo muy de los años 70, Kate posa ante la cámara del fotógrafo Alasdair McLellan en Marruecos.
La colección presentada se llama Faraway y está compuesta por tres líneas diferentes: Faraway Chic, Faraway on the Road y Faraway Exotic. Cada línea tiene una inspiración, pero en todas los tonos protagonistas son el marrón y el crudo.
Lo cierto es que todo lo que hace la modelo se convierte en oro. Sus colecciones ya sean de ropa o bolsos tienen un éxito sin precedentes y se agotan, normalmente, a las pocas horas de salir a la venta.
The collaboration between top and signature bag model continues, it takes five years, ten seasons together. Kate Moss is the image of the exclusive collection of Longchamp bags for spring 2011. With a style of 70's, Kate poses for the camera of the photographer Alasdair McLellan in Morocco.
The collection is called Faraway presented consists of three lines: Faraway Chic, Faraway Faraway on the Road and Exotic. Each line is an inspiration, but all the players are brown tones and crude oil.
The truth is that everything that makes the model turns to gold. His collections of clothing whether or bags have an unprecedented success and sell out, usually within hours of going on sale.
The collaboration between top and signature bag model continues, it takes five years, ten seasons together. Kate Moss is the image of the exclusive collection of Longchamp bags for spring 2011. With a style of 70's, Kate poses for the camera of the photographer Alasdair McLellan in Morocco.
The collection is called Faraway presented consists of three lines: Faraway Chic, Faraway Faraway on the Road and Exotic. Each line is an inspiration, but all the players are brown tones and crude oil.
The truth is that everything that makes the model turns to gold. His collections of clothing whether or bags have an unprecedented success and sell out, usually within hours of going on sale.
También apuesta por Kate Moss como imagen de su campaña para relanzar sus labiales,
También apuesta por Kate Moss como imagen de su campaña para relanzar sus labiales,
!esta chica no para!