El Punk ha sido siempre un estilo que personalmente me ha gustado mucho, recuerdo mi pelo revoltoso en época de estudiante y ropa que me hacia yo misma, el ir igual que los demás no era muy de mi gusto y afortunadamente hoy en dia esto no sucede, si echamos un vistazo a las colecciones de este verano nos encontramos con un gran abanico de posibilidades a la hora de vestir, faldas largas, faldas midi, minis, pantalón ancho , también el pitillo de colores, con cintura ata o baja, el cuero en todo su esplendor presente en clásico y en tendencia punk-rock.............todo lo tenemos, pero yo me pregunto el look de chica mala se ha ido alguna vez? en fin toda una paleta de estilos que personalmente me fascina y me hace pensar que las tendencias van desapareciendo y aparece de forma majestuosa el
"viste como quieras pero con estilo" .
Cada vez son más los estilistas y diseñadores que quieren hacer su particular guiño en sus colecciones a la tendencia punk, Balmain la recupera con pantalones capri de cuero, tachuelas y camisetas destroy , la chaqueta roja de cuero es la prenda mas buscada esta temporada y Burberry sorprende con su reinterpretación del estilo rock con pitillos plateados y tops en negro escotados con transparencias . Está claro que se debe de llevar de una manera sutil y mas recomendada para la noche, lo ideal es combinar con prendas más lady para atenuar la fuerza de esta tendencia. Por este motivo apuesta por blusas, tops de gasa, faldas de tubo y estampados femeninos ó simplemente ponte un complemento pero con tachuelas: una pulsera,un bolso, unos zapatos ó incluso un chalequito. La versión es absolutamente descafeinada, lujosa y por supuesto sofisticada y no de un look extremo a si que también hay que tener cuidado.
Punk has always been a style that I personally liked it, I remember my unruly hair in student days and clothes I to myself, going like the others was not to my taste, and fortunately today it does not happen If we look at the collections this summer we have a wide range of possibilities when it comes to dress, long skirts, midi skirts, minis, baggy pants, also the straw color, with tie waist or low, leather in all its glory on this classic and punk-rock trend ............. everything we have, but I ask the bad-girl look is gone again? finally a whole palette of colors that personally fascinates me and makes me think that the trends are disappearing and the majestically appears
"dress like you want but with style. "
Increasingly, stylists and designers who want to make their particular twinkle in his collections to the punk trend, the recovering Balmain leather capri pants, shirt studs and destroy the red leather jacket is the most wanted clothing this season and Burberry surprises with its reinterpretation of the rock style with skinny silver and black low-cut tops, with transparency. It is clear that should bring in a subtle way and most recommended for the night, ideally combined with lady garments to reduce the strength of this trend. For this reason commitment blouses, chiffon tops, pencil skirts and feminine prints or just get an add but tacks: a bracelet, bag, shoes or even a vest. The lite version is absolutely luxurious and sophisticated course and not an extreme look at if you also have to be careful.
Punk has always been a style that I personally liked it, I remember my unruly hair in student days and clothes I to myself, going like the others was not to my taste, and fortunately today it does not happen If we look at the collections this summer we have a wide range of possibilities when it comes to dress, long skirts, midi skirts, minis, baggy pants, also the straw color, with tie waist or low, leather in all its glory on this classic and punk-rock trend ............. everything we have, but I ask the bad-girl look is gone again? finally a whole palette of colors that personally fascinates me and makes me think that the trends are disappearing and the majestically appears
"dress like you want but with style. "
Increasingly, stylists and designers who want to make their particular twinkle in his collections to the punk trend, the recovering Balmain leather capri pants, shirt studs and destroy the red leather jacket is the most wanted clothing this season and Burberry surprises with its reinterpretation of the rock style with skinny silver and black low-cut tops, with transparency. It is clear that should bring in a subtle way and most recommended for the night, ideally combined with lady garments to reduce the strength of this trend. For this reason commitment blouses, chiffon tops, pencil skirts and feminine prints or just get an add but tacks: a bracelet, bag, shoes or even a vest. The lite version is absolutely luxurious and sophisticated course and not an extreme look at if you also have to be careful.