1970: Vogue, photographed by Richard Avedon
Loulou de la Falaise musa del diseñador Yves Saint Laurent nos dejaba esta misma semana a los 63 años tras una larga enfermedad. Todo un mito en el mundo de la moda desde que se cruzó en el camino del diseñador. Su historia con el conocido modisto se remontaba a 1968, en un encuentro casual en París a través de un amigo común, y cuatro años después se consolidó cuando comenzó a trabajar para él y se convirtió en una de sus colaboradoras más cercanas, encargada de la creación de los sombreros, joyas y de su alta costura y prêt-à-porter colecciones y la producción de hasta 2.000 piezas de joyería al año hasta 2002, cuando se retiró. Trabajo con él mas de tres décadas, más tarde colaboró con Oscar de la Renta en sus colecciones de joyas. Su diseño final una línea de joyería de fantasía que creó durante el verano a la venta el próximo mes en la tienda en el Jardín Majorelle en Marrakech. Ya haré un post con sus colecciones en breve!
Una mujer con coraje y eterna, siempre decía que consideraba esencial reinventarse, y ella lo llevó a cabo siempre.
Loulou de la Falaise muse of designer Yves Saint Laurent left us this week at age 63 after a long illness. A myth in the world of fashion since crossed the path of the designer. His history with the famous designer goes back to 1968, in a chance meeting in Paris through a mutual friend, and four years later was consolidated when he started working for him and became one of his closest associates, responsible for the creation of hats, jewelry and haute couture and prêt-à-porter collections and the production of 2,000 pieces of jewelry per year until 2002, when he retired. Work with him more than three decades later collaborated with Oscar de la Renta in their collections of jewelry. Its final design a line of costume jewelry that you created during the summer on sale next month at the store at the Majorelle Garden in Marrakech. You'll make a post with their collections soon!
A woman with courage and eternal, always said he considered essential to reinvent itself, and she took him out forever.
Loulou de la Falaise muse of designer Yves Saint Laurent left us this week at age 63 after a long illness. A myth in the world of fashion since crossed the path of the designer. His history with the famous designer goes back to 1968, in a chance meeting in Paris through a mutual friend, and four years later was consolidated when he started working for him and became one of his closest associates, responsible for the creation of hats, jewelry and haute couture and prêt-à-porter collections and the production of 2,000 pieces of jewelry per year until 2002, when he retired. Work with him more than three decades later collaborated with Oscar de la Renta in their collections of jewelry. Its final design a line of costume jewelry that you created during the summer on sale next month at the store at the Majorelle Garden in Marrakech. You'll make a post with their collections soon!
A woman with courage and eternal, always said he considered essential to reinvent itself, and she took him out forever.

Para terminar os dejo con la fotografía que mas me gusta:
1975: Hotel Pont-Royal, Paris; photographed by Helmut Newton
Adios Loulou