Todas la conocéis y muchas estaréis conmigo que es una de las chicas de moda del momento. Poppy Delevigne tiene unas medidas de modelo, su piel pecosa y su melena rubia le convirtieron en imagen de firmas como Anya Hindmarch, Mango y Burberry. Su coronación como chica de moda le llegó de las manos de Karl Lagerfeld. Embajadora de la firma francesa, Poppy tiene asiento fijo en la primera fila de los desfiles de Chanel. Allí se suele encontrar con la modelo Dree Hemingway, la estilista Caroline Seiber, la DJ de moda Leigh Lezark y la socialité estadounidense Vanessa Traina.
Siempre resulta correcta , se sitúa a medio camino entre hippy, roquera y chic. Fiel a firmas como Burberry o Chanel, y también a Topshop. Sus tres looks estrella son los pitillos con blazer, los minivestidos con cazadora de piel, y los vestidos largos de inspiración romántica. Os dejo con los estilismos que mas me han gustado de ella.
All the know and be with me that many of the girls is a fashion of the moment. His model measures, freckled skin and blond hair made him the image of brands like Anya Hindmarch, Mango and Burberry. His coronation as fashion girl came from the hands of Karl Lagerfeld. Ambassador of the French firm, Poppy is firmly seated in the front row of fashion shows for Chanel. There is often found with model Dree Hemingway, stylist Caroline Seiber, DJ Leigh Lezark fashion and American socialite Vanessa Traina.
Always correct, is situated halfway between hippie, rocker chic. True to brands like Burberry and Chanel, as well as Topshop. Its three star looks are the straws with blazer, mini-dresses with leather jacket, long dresses and romantic inspiration. I leave you with the styles that I liked most of it.
All the know and be with me that many of the girls is a fashion of the moment. His model measures, freckled skin and blond hair made him the image of brands like Anya Hindmarch, Mango and Burberry. His coronation as fashion girl came from the hands of Karl Lagerfeld. Ambassador of the French firm, Poppy is firmly seated in the front row of fashion shows for Chanel. There is often found with model Dree Hemingway, stylist Caroline Seiber, DJ Leigh Lezark fashion and American socialite Vanessa Traina.
Always correct, is situated halfway between hippie, rocker chic. True to brands like Burberry and Chanel, as well as Topshop. Its three star looks are the straws with blazer, mini-dresses with leather jacket, long dresses and romantic inspiration. I leave you with the styles that I liked most of it.