Como amante de la nieve desde hace muuuchos años os aseguro que si yo veo esto desde arriba en la montaña antes de conocer este Arte me creo que ha sido obra alienígena vaya! . Sin embargo aliens o no trata del artista Simon Beck , este cartógrafo de profesión no se conforma con un gran lienzo de pared ya que le parece insuficiente espacio para sus obras y utiliza la alta montaña para realizar estas maravillas, francamente increíble!
A una gran escala y bajo cero la mayor parte de esta actividad se lleva a cabo en la estación de esquí de Les Arcs. El promedio en terminar cada obra le toma alrededor de 10 horas para realmente hacerlo bien, algunas por climatología le ha sido imposible terminar .Inevitablemente hay mucha comparación con los círculos de los cultivos pero él dice que aquí no hay que pedir permiso al propietario de la cosecha, y tiene razón!
De verdad que cada día me quedo alucinada con estos genios locos maravillosos que hay por el mundo que sin ánimo de lucro recrean su arte hasta en las alturas, disfrutad de estas bellas imagenes.
As a snow lover muuuchos years for I assure you that if I see this from up the mountain before learning this art I think it was alien will work! . But aliens or not .... it is the artist Simon Beck, the cartographer by profession is not content with a large canvas wall because it seems insufficient space for their works and uses the high mountains to perform these wonders, frankly incredible !
A large scale and freezing most of this activity takes place in the ski resort of Les Arcs. The average finish each piece takes about 10 hours to really do well, some of climatology has been impossible to complete. Inevitably there is a lot compared to the crop circles here but he says we should not ask the owner of the harvest, and he is right!
Really, I'm amazed every day with these wonderful mad geniuses the world's nonprofit recreate his art up to the heights, enjoy these beautiful images.
As a snow lover muuuchos years for I assure you that if I see this from up the mountain before learning this art I think it was alien will work! . But aliens or not .... it is the artist Simon Beck, the cartographer by profession is not content with a large canvas wall because it seems insufficient space for their works and uses the high mountains to perform these wonders, frankly incredible !
A large scale and freezing most of this activity takes place in the ski resort of Les Arcs. The average finish each piece takes about 10 hours to really do well, some of climatology has been impossible to complete. Inevitably there is a lot compared to the crop circles here but he says we should not ask the owner of the harvest, and he is right!
Really, I'm amazed every day with these wonderful mad geniuses the world's nonprofit recreate his art up to the heights, enjoy these beautiful images.