Y al fin vuelvo a tener internet:
Este pasado miércoles asistimos a la presentación de la tercera colección de MY/TE creada por Mayte de la Iglesia. El callejón Jorge Juan se llenó de música en directo y de gente que como yo no quería perderse la fiesta.
En esta ocasión ha contado con la colaboración de Moniquilla, donde sus estampados de flores con mucho color han sido los protagonistas y si ha esto se le suma el diseño el resultado no podía haber sido mejor. "Contrastes" así es como yo la he bautizado, ya que ella utiliza mucho diferentes tejidos para crear una prenda y así hacerla distinta y original de lo que vemos habitualmente ( a Dios bendito! al fin cosas diferentes, estoy harta de ver siempre lo mismo!). Una colección idónea para ir distinta, con estilo y recibir con flores al verano que ya está tardando!
This last Wednesday attended the presentation of the third collection of MY / TE created by Mayte of the Church. The alley Jorge Juan was filled with live music and people like me do not want to miss the party.
This time has had the collaboration of Moniquilla, where his prints very colorful flowers were the stars and if you have this design adds the result could not have been better. "Contrasts" is how I have baptized, as she uses much different fabrics to create a garment and thus make it different and original of what we usually see (for God's sake!, To order different things, I'm tired of always seeing same!). A very ideal collection to go different, stylish and receive with flowers summer and is taking!
This time has had the collaboration of Moniquilla, where his prints very colorful flowers were the stars and if you have this design adds the result could not have been better. "Contrasts" is how I have baptized, as she uses much different fabrics to create a garment and thus make it different and original of what we usually see (for God's sake!, To order different things, I'm tired of always seeing same!). A very ideal collection to go different, stylish and receive with flowers summer and is taking!

Esperamos la cuarta!!!!