Me ha perecido muy sorprendente este diseñador, no lo conocía y por lo que he leído de él todos los adictos del fashion esperan la próximas colecciones de Johan Ku y su propia marca, que seguramente nos volverá a sorprender de muchas maneras. Me tiene intrigada este nóbel diseñador, viendo su originalidad estoy deseando ver sus trabajos.
En la colección “Emotional Sculpture” el diseñador utilizó wool tops como material crudo integrando técnicas tridimensionales de tejidos y crochet, que llevaron al concepto y la percepción de los tejidos a un nuevo nivel. Un éxito que logró unir prendas tejidas, escultura y moda en una fusión contemporánea de arte en lana.Johan Ku Asia a new talented designer came out of nowhere in New York earning more Avant-Garde Design of the 11th Gen Art Styles International Design Competition in 2009. Johan Ku, the new face of the neighborhood from Taiwan, was tremendously impressed the jury with "Emotional Sculpture" - an exquisite and extremely creative collection of woven wool.
Very surprising to me died this designer, did not know and what I've read it all fashion addicts waiting for the next collection of Johan Ku and his own brand, which will surely surprise us in many ways.
In the collection "Emotional Sculpture" the designer used as raw material wool tops integrating three-dimensional techniques and crochet fabric, which led to the concept and perception of tissues to a new level. A success who united knitwear, sculpture and fashion in a contemporary fusion of art in wool.