París es una de las pasarelas mas exigentes e importantes del calendario pero aún así la diseñadora Amaya Arzuaga repite año tras año . Ha sido la única española presente en esta pasarela Paris Fashion Week 2012: Desfile Otoño/Invierno. Su colección ha sido presentada en los grandiosos salones de la Embajada Española de la capital francesa. Su colección esta inspirada en los movimientos pictóricos de principios del siglo XX como son el el cubismo y el orfismo, los colores oscuros, planos, como ya nos tiene acostumbrados, prendas de punto grueso, mohair y mucha mezcla de distintos tejidos ha sido la propuesta de Amaya.
Para mi es la arquitecta textil de nuestro país, elige, experimenta, mezcla y diseña hasta dar con la forma adecuada al tejido y transformarlo en una bella pieza, la primera foto del post diseñada por mi es la mejor forma de expresar lo que es ella.
Quería resaltar un dato sobre la elección de la Embajada de España para presentar su colección prèt-à-porter ya que no ha sido casual, la burgalesa siempre elige escenarios que sean acordes con sus creaciones, por lo que la riqueza y opulencia de estos salones, decorados con tapices de Goya, eran el escenario perfecto para presentar estas propuestas:
Paris is one of the most demanding and important bridges on the calendar but still the designer Amaya Arzuaga repeated year after year. Spanish was the only present in this gateway Paris Fashion Week 2012: Fashion Show Fall / Winter. His collection was presented in the great halls of the Spanish Embassy in Paris. Her collection is inspired by the pictorial movements of the early twentieth century such as the Cubism and Orphism, dark colors, drawings, as he usually does, thick knits, mohair and lots of mixing of different tissues has been proposed Amaya.
For me it is the architect textile, choose, experience and designed to give the right shape to the fabric and transform it into a beautiful piece, it occurred to me to design the first picture of the post, the best way to express what she is.
I wanted to highlight a fact about the choice of the Embassy of Spain to present his collection prêt-à-porter since it has not been casual, Burgos always choose scenarios that are consistent with their creations, so that the wealth and opulence of these rooms , decorated with tapestries by Goya, were the perfect setting for presenting these proposals:

Paris is one of the most demanding and important bridges on the calendar but still the designer Amaya Arzuaga repeated year after year. Spanish was the only present in this gateway Paris Fashion Week 2012: Fashion Show Fall / Winter. His collection was presented in the great halls of the Spanish Embassy in Paris. Her collection is inspired by the pictorial movements of the early twentieth century such as the Cubism and Orphism, dark colors, drawings, as he usually does, thick knits, mohair and lots of mixing of different tissues has been proposed Amaya.
For me it is the architect textile, choose, experience and designed to give the right shape to the fabric and transform it into a beautiful piece, it occurred to me to design the first picture of the post, the best way to express what she is.
I wanted to highlight a fact about the choice of the Embassy of Spain to present his collection prêt-à-porter since it has not been casual, Burgos always choose scenarios that are consistent with their creations, so that the wealth and opulence of these rooms , decorated with tapestries by Goya, were the perfect setting for presenting these proposals: