Es difícil de creer el trabajo de este artista ya que si es cierto que parece una autentica fotografía yo personalmente no había visto nunca nada igual. Por este motivo decidió añadir un montón de fotos de él en el proceso de su trabajo como veis a continuación. El italiano autodidacta crea imponentemente dibujos fotorrealistas usando nada más que un lápiz que es casi imposible reconocer su técnica con sólo mirar los retratos.
También conocido como DiegoKoi en Deviantart, el chico comenzó como un artista del tatuaje hasta que se dio cuenta de que lo que en realidad le gustaba eran los cuerpos. Un retrato meticulosamente detallado le lleva alrededor de 200 horas y el resultado como veis no puede ser mas perfecto. Puro talento y pasión sin duda alguna!
Hard to believe the work of this artist because if it does seem a real photograph and so added a lot of pictures of him in the process of their work. The Italian self created stunningly photorealistic drawings using nothing but a pencil that is almost impossible to tell just by looking at his art portraits.
Also known as DiegoKoi in Deviantart, the boy started as a tattoo artist until he realized that they really liked were the bodies. A meticulously detailed portrait takes about 200 hours and the result as you see can not be more perfect. Pure talent and passion without a doubt!
Hard to believe the work of this artist because if it does seem a real photograph and so added a lot of pictures of him in the process of their work. The Italian self created stunningly photorealistic drawings using nothing but a pencil that is almost impossible to tell just by looking at his art portraits.
Also known as DiegoKoi in Deviantart, the boy started as a tattoo artist until he realized that they really liked were the bodies. A meticulously detailed portrait takes about 200 hours and the result as you see can not be more perfect. Pure talent and passion without a doubt!

Otros trabajos....
Feliz fin de semana y.......Reír