Se está convirtiendo en algo muy normal las colaboraciones de bloggers para una marca, ahora es Gala Gonzalez quien ha creado una colección cápsula para Mango Touch, fiel a su estilo ha sido la encargada de diseñar tres lineas:
Transparency, basada en el juego de transparencias mediante materiales y detalles; Modern Fetishism, centrado en el terciopelo y los bordados, y cuyo artículo principal son los zapatos dorados de plataforma; y, finalmente, Embellishment, que abarca una serie de joyas de inspiración étnica, compuesta por una tiara para la cabeza, pulsera con anillo y collar con piedras transparentes
Que os parece? yo me quedo con los botines negros, pues estará disponible a partir del 8 de noviembre.
No dejéis de ver el video!!!!
It's becoming quite normal contributions of bloggers for a brand, Gala Gonzalez now is who has created a capsule collection for Mango Touch, true to form has been commissioned to design three lines:
Transparency, based on transparency set by materials and details; Modern Fetishism, focused on velvet and embroidery, and whose main article are gold platform shoes, and finally, Embellishment, covering a number of ethnic-inspired jewelry , consisting of a tiara headbands, bracelet and necklace ring with clear stones
What you think? I stick with black boots, as it will be available starting November 8.
Do not fail to see the video!!
It's becoming quite normal contributions of bloggers for a brand, Gala Gonzalez now is who has created a capsule collection for Mango Touch, true to form has been commissioned to design three lines:
Transparency, based on transparency set by materials and details; Modern Fetishism, focused on velvet and embroidery, and whose main article are gold platform shoes, and finally, Embellishment, covering a number of ethnic-inspired jewelry , consisting of a tiara headbands, bracelet and necklace ring with clear stones
What you think? I stick with black boots, as it will be available starting November 8.
Do not fail to see the video!!