En el 2011 los fotógrafos Kevin Burg y Jamie Beck,empezaron a dar vida a sus fotografías de moda y noticias. A esta técnica ellos mismos la bautizaron con el termino de "cinemagraph". Los cinemagraphs son fotografías en las que ocurre una acción de movimiento menor y repetida.
Se producen tomando una serie de fotografías o grabaciones de vídeo y utilizando un software de edición de imágenes, componiendo las fotografías o fotogramas de vídeo en un archivo GIF animado de tal manera que el movimiento es repetitivo o continuo. Desde entonces, el dúo ha continuado desarrollando gif con gran éxito.
Tendremos algún día nosotros al alcance esta técnica?
In 2011 Kevin Burg and photographer Jamie Beck, began to give life to his fashion photography and news. This technique was christened themselves with the term "cinemagraph".
The cinemagraphs are photographs in which action occurs less and repeated motion.
Are produced by taking a series of photographs or video recordings and using image editing software, composing photographs or video frames in an animated GIF file so that the motion is repetitive or continuous. Since then, the duo has continued to develop successfully gif.
We have one day we reach this technique?

Feliz fin de semana y....... reir
The cinemagraphs are photographs in which action occurs less and repeated motion.
Are produced by taking a series of photographs or video recordings and using image editing software, composing photographs or video frames in an animated GIF file so that the motion is repetitive or continuous. Since then, the duo has continued to develop successfully gif.
We have one day we reach this technique?
Feliz fin de semana y....... reir