La semana pasada asistí en Madrid a la presentación de LOCKER, la nueva colección de relojes Technomarine, un evento muy original donde el color amarillo era el protagonista de la
fiesta. Esta colección de relojes se inspira en los orígenes de la firma, las playas de Saint Tropez, en las pulseras de las taquillas de los clubes de playa. Siguiendo esta inspiración , todos los asistentes recibimos una pulsera amarilla y nuestra llave correspondiente de nuestra taquilla donde al finalizar teníamos dentro nuestro obsequio, todo esto sin olvidarme que absolutamente todos los invitados llevábamos puesto algo de este color.

TechnoMarine contó con la presencia del famoso pintor francés Franck Bouroullec un artista multifacético y amante de las performances que hizo participar a los asistentes en la creación de un reloj LOCKER sobre un lienzo gigante.
El lugar escogido para la presentación fue La terraza del Hotel ME, un lugar privilegiado donde se disfrutó plenamente de la tarde-noche.
La colección esta compuesta por siete modelos en diferentes colores, está ya a la venta en centros El
Corte Inglés y relojerías seleccionadas. PVP: desde 480€.
Last week I attended the presentation in Madrid of LOCKER, the new collection of watches Technomarine, a very original event where the color yellow was the star of the party. This collection of watches inspired by the origins of the firm, the beaches of Saint Tropez, on the wristbands of the lockers of the beach clubs. Following this inspiration, all attendees received a yellow bracelet and our key corresponding to the end of our booth where we had within our gift, all without forgetting that absolutely all the guests we had put something in this color.
TechnoMarine attended the famous French artist Franck Bouroullec a multifaceted artist and lover of the performances that made the audience participate in creating a watch on a giant canvas LOCKER.
The place chosen for the presentation was the terrace of the Hotel ME, a privileged place thoroughly enjoyed the evening.
The collection is comprised of seven models in different colors, is now available in the centers
English Court and Clocks selected. Price: from 480 €.
Last week I attended the presentation in Madrid of LOCKER, the new collection of watches Technomarine, a very original event where the color yellow was the star of the party. This collection of watches inspired by the origins of the firm, the beaches of Saint Tropez, on the wristbands of the lockers of the beach clubs. Following this inspiration, all attendees received a yellow bracelet and our key corresponding to the end of our booth where we had within our gift, all without forgetting that absolutely all the guests we had put something in this color.
TechnoMarine attended the famous French artist Franck Bouroullec a multifaceted artist and lover of the performances that made the audience participate in creating a watch on a giant canvas LOCKER.
The place chosen for the presentation was the terrace of the Hotel ME, a privileged place thoroughly enjoyed the evening.
The collection is comprised of seven models in different colors, is now available in the centers
English Court and Clocks selected. Price: from 480 €.