La semana pasada tuve el placer de asistir a la presentacion de la nueva colección 2012 de los relojes Welder, un estilo deportivo para chicos a quienes le gustan marcar las horas con estilo en tamaño xxl.
La inspiración que ha motivado la creatividad de los relojes Welder es un viaje a través del tiempo y del
espacio para llegar al año 2075. La mayoría de las marcas proyectan el pasado en el presente. Welder hace
lo contrario: pretende proyectar el futuro en el presente.
Todos los relojes Welder, diseñados por Italo Fontana, encierran un elemento atemporal en su
estructura. Muchisimos modelos donde destacan esferas de gran magnitud y colores.
Last week I had the pleasure of attending the presentation of the new collection 2012 of Welder watches, sporty style for guys who like to mark the hours in style.
The inspiration that has motivated the Welder watches creativity is a journey through time and space to reach the year 2075. Most brands projecting the past into the present. Welder does the opposite: it seeks to project the future in the present. All Welder watches, designed by Italo Fontana, enclose a timeless element in its structure. Many models which highlights areas of great magnitude and colors.
Last week I had the pleasure of attending the presentation of the new collection 2012 of Welder watches, sporty style for guys who like to mark the hours in style.
The inspiration that has motivated the Welder watches creativity is a journey through time and space to reach the year 2075. Most brands projecting the past into the present. Welder does the opposite: it seeks to project the future in the present. All Welder watches, designed by Italo Fontana, enclose a timeless element in its structure. Many models which highlights areas of great magnitude and colors.